Uninstalling old version of UFH

There seems to be a small problem with the latest UHF update. The newest uninstaller doesn’t remove old versions of the hack. Since all my Kindle devices have software 2.3 now I can’t debug the issue. I’ve made old version of uninstaller available that should do the job:

Sorry for the inconvenience.

7 thoughts on “Uninstalling old version of UFH”

  1. With all of these font choices now available I am wondering if I missed one that is a liitle darker or bolder than the others. With the latest Kindle software installed I seem to have a lack of contrast that wasn’t there before with the old hack.

  2. Can you please create a package to uninstall UFH 0.3 from 2.3? I installed the wrong UFH package and would like to replace it with a different one. I have no luck in all update_ufh_uninstall-k2.bin. Please help!

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